Patient Rights Unit

Working at the local level in order to improve and develop the execution of patient rights.

Investigating complaints made to units within a certain period of time and filling up a complaint notification form to this respect.

Contributing and supporting the in-service and public health education and training prepared by the Patient Rights Head Unit.




1. Benefiting from the Service on the whole:

Benefiting from health services within framework of ‘Justice’ and ‘Equity’. Everybody has the right to not be discriminated against and receive health care services irrespective of race, language, religion and sect, sex, philosophical faith, economic and social situations.


2. Right to be Informed and Request Information:

Every patient has the right to be informed about all kinds of health services and opportunities and request information in types of verbal or written notification, information and details about his/her medical condition. Our patients can be informed about the details of their treatment performed on them under the module titled PATIENT PROCEDURES at our website.


3. Right to Choose and Change Health Care Provider, Facility and Staff

Every patient has the right to choose and change their health care provider, and to benefit from health care services provided by the health care facility which s/he has chosen and be informed about identities, positions and titles of physicians and other health care workers who will treat and care and / or continues to treat and care him/her and choose and change them whenever s/he wants.


4. Privacy:

Every patient has the right to receive all kinds of health services in environmental setting in accordance with privacy.


5. Refusing, stopping and consent:

Every patient has the right to refuse treatment, to ask for stopping the treatment, informed consent for medical and surgical interventions and benefit from health care services within the framework of his/her consent.


6. Safety & Security:

Every patient has the right to receive health care services in a safe and secure environment.


7. Being able to fulfill and practice religious duties:

Every patient has the right to fulfill and practice his/her religious duties within bounds of possibilities of health care facility and in the framework of the measures taken by the administration.


8. Respect for human values, dignity, being respected and comfort:

Every patient has the right to receive health care services by being respected, dignity due diligence in a friendly, gentle, affectionate environment removing all kinds of noisy and uncomfortable factors along with ensured all kinds of hygienic conditions.


9. Visitation & Accompaniment:

Every patient has the right to accept visitors within framework of procedures and principles designated by health care facilities and within bounds of possibilities of health care facility and the legislation and be accompanied by an accompanist if the physician deems and considers appropriate.


10. Right to Application, Complaint and Sue:

In the case of violation of their rights, every patient has the right to make application, complaint and sue within framework of the legislation.










Recently, the concept of "patient responsibility" has emerged along with the patient rights. However the content and extent of this concept have not been barely declared and described, yet. But generally, this concept can be described as the duties and obligations of the patient to be fulfilled before and after the processes when and to which the patient admits to a health care provider. The responsibilities of the patients can be briefly listed as follows:


1.General Responsibilities

Every person should do the best to pay attention and to protect his/her own health and should adhere to suggestions and recommendations for a healthy life.

Every person can donate blood or organs if eligibility is verified with tests.

People should take care of themselves by maintaining their own care in simple situations and conditions.


2.Social Security Status

Every patient should timely inform all changes in his health condition, social insurance coverage and personal details.

Every patient should obtain visa of his / her health carnet / health certificate / health booklet / health record timely (such as Social Security Organization for Artisans and the Self-Employed (Bag-Kur), Green Card, etc.)


3.Informing Health Care Workers

Every patient should clearly and completely inform health care practitioners about their previous diseases and disorders, history of inpatient treatment, all current medications, if any and provide all details about their health condition.


4.Following and Obeying the Hospital Rules

Every patient has to follow and obey the rules and regulations of the healthcare facility which they presented.

Every patient has to follow and obey the referral chain determined by Ministry of Health and other Social Security Institutions.

It is expected the patient to collaborate with health care professionals throughout the treatment care and rehabilitation processes.

If patient benefits from a health care facility providing service through an appointment system, s/he should notify the relevant health care facility all kinds of changes arising due to him/her in the date and time of the appointment.

Every patient should respect the rights of hospital personnel, other patients and visitors.

Every patient should reimburse and cover the losses and damages of materials and equipment of hospital, if they cause.


5.Complying with Recommendations on the Treatment of a Patient

Every patient should carefully listen to suggestions and recommendations on his/her treatment and medication and should ask if they cannot understand something or some part of these descriptions.

In case of an incompliance of patient with the suggestions and recommendations on his/her treatment, s/he should inform health care professionals about these specific situations and conditions.

Every patient should clearly express whether they correctly understand the healthcare and post-discharge care plan.

Every patient will be personally responsible for all outcomes of refusing the treatment and failing to fulfill recommendations.


Patient Communication Unit


Working at the local level in order to improve and develop the execution of patient rights.

Investigating complaints made to units within a certain period of time and filling up a complaint notification form to this respect.

Contributing and supporting the in-service and public health education and training prepared by the Patient Rights Head Unit.