Endodontics Clinic

Consultant and experienced dentists serve within the body of our clinic.


Patients are accepted to our clinic through the referral of physicians who diagnose patients as a result of examination performed at general dentistry clinics by in-house referral and these patients are transferred to Endodontics Clinic for their ongoing care.


Endodontics Clinic is our clinic where essentially root canal treatments take place and performed. It is only possible to treat infected apex (root tip) caused due to inflammation of decayed teeth and protection of teeth with damaged pulps due to similar reasons by performing the methods of the root canal treatment.


Canal treatment can be completed with only one session (dental visit) but also may last for 4 to 5 sessions (dental visits) for some cases. Endodontically treated teeth (ETT) should be reexamined and reviewed at certain time intervals. Canal treatments can be done by our clinic equipped with modern endodontic devices and machines.


Examinations and emergency treatments of patient are completed on the same day and appointments are scheduled for further treatments.